Thursday, October 06, 2011

It's all about 07 October :)

So today is a Friday and it is 07 October.

Shared my stories :
Aku belum pernah celebrate birthday aku bersama kawan-kawan dan keluarga kecuali masa aku kecik dulu lah hehe Nak tahu sebab ape aku tak pernah celebrate my birthday? Okay ni lah sebab dia-

*Aku baru je balik dari sekolah dan tiba-tiba nampak abah tengah rushing pakai kasut then 
anis : abah, hari ni birthday anis la! haa mesti abah tak ingat kan
sambil mendongak abah pn jawab
abah : eh yeke laa abah nak kene outstation ni. Ha tak pe tak pe balik ni abah beli hadiah ye 
lepas tu abah senyum dan hulur tangan aku pn salam la abah sambil tu abah wish Happy Birthday Kochess!!
masa tu mata aku dah berkaca dah, tengok je abah naik kereta terus aku naik atas dan terus menangis :'(

Bila abah balik dari outstation tak sempat nak rehat dan tak sempat nak duduk abah terus bukak beg luggage dia dan keluarkan hadiah untuk aku. Yeayy! aku sorang dapat baju dan jam yang lain semua dapat ape tah tak ingat haha 
abah : ha abah tak mungkir janji kan?
anis : Thank you abah 
lepas tu terus lompat-lompat happy lah katekan hihi

So the conclusion is : setiap kali birthday aku abah mesti outstation. Hmm tak pe lah anis tak kesah pn abah. Abah dah bawak kiteorg pergi bejalan banyak kali tu pn anis dah bersyukur sangat sangat. Thanks abah you're the best father in the world and i love you a lot *Al-Fatihah 

Dan kali ni birthday aku orang yang aku syg pn ade jauh dengan aku. Walaupun abg tgh busy dengan praktikal dia tapi sempat lagi dia online dan wish untuk aku :) Thank you abg miss you a lot brotha :')

Life, I've learnt, is not always fair. Unless you work bloody hard to earn it. Everyone at some point in their lives starts to think that the whole world is against them and even think that they are the only person on Earth who have such bad luck. Count your blessings and remember that there will always be another person whose luck is worse than yours. When people use sarcasms to hurt you, the best thing to do is smile. Cause really, smiling is the best medicine of all <3

Thanks a bunch to all the sweethearts who wished me a happy birthday! Awww, haha I have always adored wishes cause they are capable of lightening even the saddest and emo-est of hearts.

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